Ready for a variety of brothels and brothels? These offer you discreet and professional services in a safe and pleasant environment. Brothels and brothels are establishments where sex work takes place in a regulated and legal setting. Customers can choose their escort and enjoy them in a private atmosphere. These establishments offer comfort, discretion and safety for both clients and providers.
Brothels and brothels: Did you know?
The word "brothel" comes from the French term "bordel", which originally means "small house". It is derived from "bord", the edge or border, which possibly refers to the historical location of brothels outside the city walls. Laufhäuser, on the other hand, is a German term for establishments where the providers work in separate rooms and customers walk through the establishment to make their choice.
Laufhauses and brothels have a long history and existed in ancient civilizations such as Rome and Greece. Today, they are regulated worldwide to ensure safety and labor rights. Brothels are not only places of pleasure, but also culturally significant institutions that have adapted their form and function over the centuries.